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Lotion Pump Wholesaler Explains How To Use Perfume Correctly

Feb 04,2021

Nowadays, people living in the city, when going out, spray some perfume on their bodies to make a good impression on others. Does the Lotion Pump Wholesaler explain how to use perfume correctly?


1. The body temperature behind the ear is very high, which is very suitable for applying perfume, and it can also avoid ultraviolet radiation.


2. Normally, perfume is not worn around the neck, but except for the back of the neck, because the hair can block the ultraviolet rays, you can spray perfume with peace of mind.


3. The temperature inside the wrist is also high, you can wipe perfume here. Above the veins inside the elbow can make the fragrance more prominent.


4. Apply to the place where the pulse is beating on the inside of the wrist, the beating of the pulse will lead to the emission of fragrance.

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